10 Key Points to Consider When Planning a Marketing Strategy for your Clothing Brand

10 Key Points to Consider When Planning a Marketing Strategy for your Clothing Brand

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Just as humans can’t survive without breathing, brands can’t survive without marketing. Every new brand causes an immense rise in competition. With every brand coming up with a unique idea or solution to an existing problem, there’s extreme pressure on other brands to demonstrate what they bring to the table. This is where marketing comes to the rescue!

The creation of holistic eCommerce marketing strategies demands a combination of the 4Ps of marketing. Product, Price, Place, and Promotion are the 4Ps of marketing. A unique product or service, that is appropriately priced and promoted to its specific audience, belonging to the correct demographic is an ideal example of integrated marketing. The 4Ps of marketing provide a framework to be followed when coming up with effective eCommerce marketing strategies

Following is a list of 10 key points to consider when planning a marketing strategy for your clothing brand:

1. Set specific Goals

Setting off on your marketing journey without a goal is like randomly shooting an arrow without a target in place. Whether it is creating brand awareness, driving leads, increasing customer retention, or generating more revenue — it is essential to have a clear purpose in mind before diving into various eCommerce marketing strategies

2. Identify USP’s

When we talk about the 4Ps of marketing, it is important that the first ‘P’ i.e. the Product (or service) is given its due recognition. You need to identify the unique features of your product. What would make your product stand out from the rest? Because people always want to know 

‘why’ they should be buying from you instead of your competitor!

3. Content Marketing 

 Content Marketing

Curating excellent content, but not marketing it right is a total waste of time and energy. There is no use of content that is not seen or heard. When you create content, accompanying it with relevant hashtags, posting it at a particular time of the day, and customizing content as per your target audience, are all examples of a perfect marketing mix.

4. Update Your Website’s look

The importance of having a well-designed and updated website cannot be stressed enough! All your marketing strategies are in vain if you don’t have a user-friendly website. Your website should be enriched with catchy photos, product recommendations, style guides, and so on. Additionally, having a mobile-friendly interface is also useful, since the majority of your customers extensively use hand-held devices.

5. Email Marketing

Representing ‘Promotion’ as one of the 4Ps of marketing is Email Marketing. This can also be included under the wide umbrella of content marketing. With the help of emails, you can send your subscribers new product updates, promotional offers, or any other vital information. This popular marketing mix helps in re-targeting customers, driving engagement, building brand loyalty, and further increasing sales. 

6. Competitor Analysis

Analyzing your competitors’ marketing strategies and then comparing results with yours is indeed a good yardstick for measuring performance. With this information, you can then see areas where your competitors are doing well, how they engage in content marketing, where they fall short, learn from their customer feedback, and eventually make necessary tweaks in your own marketing mix.

7. Social media Marketing

Social media Marketing

A brand with no social media presence is as good as being non-existent! Social media is an important pillar of the 4Ps of marketing that enables you to ‘Promote’ your brand. The possibility to engage with a diverse audience on these sites allows brands to post, share, comment, thus greatly helping in content marketing.

8. Drive FOMO

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is an extremely clever form of the marketing mix that leads to instant sales. As humans, we never want to be left out on the latest trends. “Selling fast”, “limited period offer”, “free shipping”, or “last two pieces left” are phrases that make you hit that ‘BUY NOW’ button right away. Now we know whom to blame for all those midnight impulse purchases!

9. Influencer Marketing

Influencers, with their amazing following on various social media, are the ideal people to ‘influence’ your potential customers. Any product, when endorsed by a well-known influencer, instantly gains more credibility. No wonder brands make influencer marketing a vital part of their eCommerce marketing strategies!

10. Paid advertising

Although cost-inducing, paid advertising is still a wonderful way to promote your brand, thus making it a notable addition to the 4Ps of marketing. With paid ads, brands can reach a broader audience and lead to faster conversions. When used as a part of your ecommerce marketing strategies, paid ads provide your brand with greater visibility. 

Key Takeaway

Your work doesn’t end at launching a brand. If people aren’t aware of your existence, it’s highly unlikely that they will buy from you. Therefore, a good marketing mix of all the above-mentioned practices is key to ensuring your brand becomes the next talk of the town!

Now that you are privy to the various ins and outs of eCommerce marketing strategies, head over to Fashinza.com and learn more about our journey and how we strive to simplify the apparel manufacturing process!


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