What is a Planogram? How to Design an Effective Planogram for Your Store?

What is a Planogram? How to Design an Effective Planogram for Your Store?

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One of the primary factors in ensuring maximum customer attention is the space utilization to showcase products. When a customer visits a store, they mostly buy items they see and like. What if they are not able to buy appealing items just because they were not able to see them? The store owner will incur a loss. To prevent such unpleasant losses, retailers nowadays focus more on the placement of products in their stores. 

Products should be placed such that they ensure maximum sales and minimize wastage of space. To achieve this aim, it can take a lot of effort and time. Two most important things in a person's life. But here is the good news. One can reach this milestone easily now. To come up with such an arrangement, retailers nowadays use a planogram.

What is a planogram?

Planogram is a visual merchandising tool used by retailers to show the placement of products in their store such that it ensures maximum profit. 

It is a graphical representation of a store highlighting the space and the products. 

A planogram shows specific products placed on different shelves. Through this representation, the store owners can easily decide the location of each product. Also, planograms can be used to analyze the monthly sales of stock. The more in demand can then be highlighted on the shelves. Planograms can be used to analyze the customer needs, most sold products, etc. 

Uses of a planogram

  1. Better knowledge of product and category performance.
  2. There will be better space allocation and utilization.
  3. Efficient space usage can ensure increased sales.
  4. The unsold stock keeps on rotating, ensuring minimum wastage.
  5. Customers are offered a well-organized view of the products.
  6. A clear map of where everything in the store is placed.
  7. Reduced congestion of shoppers in areas with more foot traffic.
  8. Assisting the staff in restocking.
  9. Keeping track of the products sold and unsold.

How to design an effective planogram for a store?

How to design an effective planogram for a store?

Retail planograms can be customized as per the retail store products and customer needs. A person can create a planogram from scratch by using various templates and notes. Here are some ways which can make an effective planogram for the store.

1. Hire a merchandising professional 

Hire a professional if you want to save time and effort or need a planogram urgently. A planogrammer or a planogram specialist can help the store owners create an effective planogram for their store. If not a planogrammer, try to hire a visual merchandiser. This way, one can get a perfect planogram for their store easily. One more benefit of hiring a professional is that a planogram will have fewer loopholes and inefficiencies. It is a time-saving way though it can cost a lot of money!

2. Using a planogram software

If the store owners cannot hire a planogrammer, then they can always go for planogram software. They can find a variety of planogram software in the market. Depending on their needs and budget, one can choose a planogram software that can help them increase the profit and space. This way is both cheap and efficient. So what is the wait for? Get planogram software now!

3. Go for consultation with planogram experts

Go for consultation with planogram experts

Third-party experts or freelance planogrammers can also help the store owners to get them an effective planogram. They can design it at less cost using their skills and experience. Third-party experts are easy to negotiate with and often highly talented. There are many online websites on which one can easily find suitable freelancers for the planogram.

4. DIY your planogram

Yes! The retailers can DIY their planogram using a variety of templates available online. Use the notes, do some research and design the planogram! There are several online tools for retailers to assist them in making their planogram, for example, SmartDraw. This is a pocket-friendly way where one can get their planogram just like they want in less time and effort!

Some tips for an ideal planogram for your store

Creating a planogram may seem like an easy task, but it is not that simple in reality. A lot of measures and things need to be kept in mind. Worry no more as here are some tips to save the trouble. Follow these tips and get an ideal planogram for the store.

1. Start Simple

Many retailers try to add every idea into their planogram. A lot of additions at once can cause confusion and time wastage. Employees may take time to understand the planogram. The best way is to make a planogram step by step simply and slowly. 

2. Look for Loopholes

Every month check the sales and profit rates. Analyzing these can help the retailers to update their planogram for more profit. They will be able to find errors and loopholes in their planogram. Updating it regularly will ensure maximum revenue for them! So don't fixate on one planogram, keep revising it based on the customer's reaction. 

3. Do Your Research

If they are designing their planogram, then they need to do the research. One can always consult people who already have their planograms or have made them for others. Also, the internet is one of the greatest resources nowadays. Surf the net and find the best tools and tips to make the planogram that is both effective and neat. Good Luck!

4. Commit to the Process 

tips for an ideal planogram for your store

Once we have our planogram, we should try to stick to it. Ensure that the stock is arranged according to the planogram. If we fail to do so, then the planogram is of no use. 

5. Assist Your Staff

Train and assist the staff to stock up the shelves according to the planograms. Do regular checks to ensure if any employee needs help or assistance. Small mistakes in following the planogram may dampen the success of the planogram. 


Planograms are like a map of the treasure hunt games. By having it, a person will be directed to the treasure. With increasing competition for every retail store, it is a necessity to adapt to different methods for increased sales. One such method nowadays is a planogram. It can assist retailers to get more profit, more space in the store, and more time. It is an efficient way for retailers to save time and effort. Planograms are also widely used in clothing stores according to customer needs. So if one has a clothing store, they should check out these effective methods of designing a planogram. Also, to get affordable good quality fabrics, do visit Fashinza!


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